I Already Have It



These words came to me when I read the beautiful graphic in my devotional this morning, "Give and it will be given to you.” - Luke 6:38

My parenting is not perfect. My diet is not perfect. My vehicle is a disaster always. Our finances are far from perfect.


You see, this morning I sat down on my couch in my quiet living room (that still looks like we're squatters because #justmoved and #nofurnitureyet). I sent my kids to my room with the iPad so I could have said quiet (#imperfectmorning). I read my devotional. I jotted thoughts in my journal. I prayed. I meditated. And I was so very filled with peace and contentment and JOY. All these beautiful feelings amidst the pressures of a multiple-business-owner's beginning of a new month: payroll, invoices to be paid, information requests from EVERYWHERE. Amidst the chaos and stress of a harvest season that has been less than ideal (yet so. very. grateful it's still moving along), a hubby who is home late at night and leaves the house early in the morning because #farmers and #truckers and #hethrivesongoingtowork, and school activities, and sickness, and still not anywhere close to being unpacked in the new house (although it's coming... just s l o w l y).

This morning, what I ALREADY HAVE stirred me deeply.

I still WANT - I want a more organized house and a clean vehicle and no dishes in my sink and to feel oh so purposeful in this big crazy world, but I WANT all these things amidst a deep rooted knowing that what I already have is so very, very good. And these feelings of gratitude, contentment, and peace are the feelings that will carry me as I live true to my deepest desires - Joy. Purpose. Impact. Passion. Service... And SO. MUCH. LOVE.

Today, even through all the craziness and the things that are breaking your heart, I want you to take a few minutes to stop, breathe, and dig deep down to feel gratitude in the warmest and fuzziest of ways for what YOU already have. It's there, I promise.

Sending you so much love on this beautiful fall day!



P.S. - I'm okay with my over-use of #hashtags and sentence. fragments. Hahahahaha. I promise I'll clean it up if I ever write another essay or a book! ;)




On Gardening and Creativity