The Magic of a Christmas Shift


Ahhhh....Christmas. I usually start getting excited for Christmas in October. I start envisioning baking cookies, drinking warm beverages by the light of the Christmas tree, and spending time hosting and attending gatherings. I usually make a giant list of Christmas baking I want to do and start organizing what I'm going to get everyone. 

What I fail to remember every single October since I've had kids who are school age and in activities, is what December ACTUALLY ends up looking like. 

If you follow me on Instagram (which you should, haha), you'll likely know how I've struggled with the craziness of "obligations" and extra events this year when all I want is to bake and have quiet evenings at home. Looking back the past number of years, I remember also feeling this way- I just forget every year.... which is probably a good thing or I might be at risk of turning into a scrooge, lol. 

At my weekly bible study a couple weeks ago when I was sharing some of my frustration and trying to figure out a way to better navigate the chaos and grouchy kids, one of my friends shared a new perspective that has helped me shift my mindset. She said, "I think of all the extra people we get to connect with at these events that we wouldn't normally get to see very often." With those words, my heart shifted.

You see, I was stuck in this puddle of mis-alignment. I was feeling like all the "stuff" I was doing wasn't lining up with what was REALLY important to me, and I was letting it turn my Christmas season into something I didn't like. In reality, yes, there are certain obligations I am choosing to let go of this holiday season, but for the most part, I am choosing to see the extra events as opportunities to fill my cup with things that I value so strongly: connection. relationships. community. service.

This simple change in perspective has shifted everything for me. Last week was very likely the craziest week we've had all year, haha. I was a little cray (after all, I'm slightly crazy on a good day), but overall, my spirit is filled with calm and the joy that I get to spend my time doing these things with the people I love and I get to be a part of their excitement, even when I'm not feeling 100% excited about having to spend one more evening in town.

The things that were making me feel completely out of alignment are actually exactly the things that brought me BACK into alignment. The realization was that even though I sometimes forget I have a choice, the reality is that I DO have choice- choice over how I spend my time, how I show up in my life, and where I choose to focus my thoughts. And CHOICE is a powerful thing.

How about you? Where are you feeling stuck lately? Where are you feeling like you need a perspective shift? And do you BELIEVE you have a choice?

I hope so my friend. And if you've forgotten, I'm here to gently remind you that YOU are up to YOU... and you are deeply cared for and appreciated, even if it doesn't always feel like it.

Sending you so much love,


ps- if you're like me and love seeing "real life" in people's Instagram stories, follow me over at @elsaborsa. You get the good, bad, and the ugly over there!


Diving in to a New Year

