Who Is On your Support Team?
In my workshop the other day, we talked about building a support team to support your transformation journey. A support team can look different for each person, but the key is to find people:
a) You can learn from
b) Who will just support you no matter what, and
c) people who can inspire you
Every single day I’m amazed by all the wonderful people I have in my life and I know I wouldn’t be where I am today had it not been the support and guidance of sooooo many different people!
One thing you may not have considered is the fact that the public figures we follow can greatly influence our mindset. If you sometimes find that the figures you follow leave you feeling less than adequate, then maybe it’s time to find some new peeps to follow! Just like goals, the people we allow into our lives should build us up, not weigh us down. #TRUTH.
I follow soooooo many cool people, but today I’m going to tell you a few of my faves:
Brene Brown - Author of Braving the Wilderness, the Gifts of Imperfection, and others. Motivational speaker, influencer, and brilliant woman with a PhD in social work. I have major adoration for Brene. Do yourself a favour and check out her TED Talk on Youtube! (Click here for link)
Danielle Laporte - Danielle Laporte is a Canadian author, speaker, publisher, and major influencer. I adore her and I’m always amazed how many of my friends have never heard of her! Check her out at Daniellelaporte.com and consider purchasing The Desire Map or downloading the electronic version, which is available for FREE right now HERE.
Lindsay Teague-Moreno - Lindsay is an extremely successful mlm business owner, author, speaker, and wine connoisseur (holy crap - that was just about a spelling fail!!!). I super-puffy-heart love Lindsay because she is SUPER real and SUPER not perfect. But she’s awesome and funny and authentic - my faves. My favourite spot to follow her is on Instagram (@lindsayteague), but you can also check her out at Lindsayteaguemoreno.com.
Courtney Carver from Be More With Less - I’m subscribed to Courtney’s emails and I ALWAYS love them. They always inspire me and encourage me and she totally speaks my language!! She is the creator of Project 333 (creating a capsule wardrobe with 33 items of clothing AND accessories - check it out!), as well as an author, speaker, and proponent of living life intentionally with less stuff. You can find her at www.bemorewithless.com and I recommend getting signed up for her emails!
Rachel Macy Stafford over at The Hands Free Mama (The Hands Free Revolution on Facebook) - I ALWAYS love Rachel’s Facebook posts - they always have an important lesson and I just love her focus on having memories not things. I highly recommend you like her page on Facebook and get on her email list! She also has a number of books, with the most recent being Only Love Today.
I hope you find as much inspiration from these women as I do! Do you have anyone you follow faithfully that always inspires you?? Download the worksheet below to outline YOUR support team and then keep it for handy reference!
Sending you lots of love,