
 4-months to level up your business with the ultimate boss moves and embody the leader your business needs you to be.

Focusing on the things that matter most to you & your bottom line.


Go from always overwhelmed, and struggling to focus and get shit done to a powerful, badass boss who can conquer the world and do ANYTHING she sets her mind to.



Even if you’re…

  • Always strapped for time and a lack of energy

  • Tired of all the ups and downs in your mood and how your mood affects your business in such a big way

  • You’re not scared to hustle, but you’re on the brink of burnout

  • Facing a never-ending battle between succeeding in life OR in business, you feel like you can’t do both

  • Having insanely high expectations of yourself and yet never feeling like you’re doing “enough”

  • You have a million ideas and often feel frustrated that you can’t do all the things you want to do or struggle with follow-through

  • Lots of limiting beliefs around success, who you are, and who you aren’t in life and in business 


It’s time to focus on staying in your own lane, not letting the opinions of others get in your head, and focus solely on the things that matter most to you and your bottom line.


 Here’s what’s included in the No B.S. Boss Mastermind: 

  • 3 monthly group coaching calls

  • 1 monthly private coaching call

  • A monthly guest expert training 

  • A community of like-minded, goal-driven female entrepreneurs