Sometimes You Just Need to Be a Quitter


Growing up, it was a clear expectation that quitting was not an option. If you started something, you finished it. You persevered. As an adult, these values are respected. We hold those who commit and follow through in high regard. We desire to be around people who are true to their word and dependable. For many, perseverance and consistency are strongly tied to their sense of WORTH. This week I found myself speaking words from the heart to a loved one, "There is absolutely no shame in realizing that something is not what you want and getting out. There is no prize for not giving up."

You see, some of us hold perseverance so closely to our self-worth and perceived value as human beings that we will SACRIFICE our happiness, our joy, our beautiful truth just so we don't have to say, "I quit." Or, "I give up." Or, "this just isn't the right fit for me."

What we don't realize is that every time we push our truest desires aside, we are quietly reminding ourselves that WE are not important. That we are not WORTHY of living a life we are happy with. That we are not WORTHY of getting out of a harmful environment or away from a shitty boss...not worthy of feeling JOY in our decisions.

So why then do we continue to push on when we know we need to cut our ties?

Today I urge you to look at your life. Look at any situations you are faced with or choices you have made that you are truly not happy with. How did you get there? And most importantly, WHY ARE YOU STILL THERE??? You may be committed to something that's not quite done yet..... but if you're not happy, will you choose to step away when that thing has reached completion? You may be in a job you despise. Will you choose to take a leap and start the job search? You may be in a stagnant relationship. Will you choose to examine your role and be willing to make changes to nurture the relationship?

I'm not suggesting you bail on every commitment in your life... that's not reality. What I am suggesting is that you begin to look at the choices before you with a fresh perspective and know that if you make a decision you're not happy with, you are NOT tied to it forever and it is NOT shameful to want to get away from a situation that is bringing you down.

Regardless of what you're facing, I urge you to really examine your WHY's. And then I ask you to look at them with loving eyes and ask yourself if you know things could be better. This, my friend, is where all the magic starts to happen. If you know things could be better, what are you going to CHOOSE to DO to take a step in the right direction? And now how does that choice make you feel? I hope it lights up a little spot in your soul.... scary as it might be :)

With love,



A Lesson In Being Present


If We Had No Winter....