Once Upon A Time...


Once upon a time there was a girl with a zest for life and adventure. This girl met her true love, had a few babies, and suddenly found herself drowning in her own life.

She felt like she was failing at being a wife, mother, and woman. She despised the body she saw in the mirror, hated herself every time she looked around her messy house, and laid awake at night reminding herself how she'd failed her kids when she yelled at them at bedtime AGAIN.

She lost her spark. She was exhausted and secretly wondered if her husband would leave her because she was just SO inadequate.

Ladies, that woman was me only a few short years ago.

I see this happening every day to women I know and clients I talk to, and I'm just NOT okay with women feeling like we have to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders.

My life changed when I reached out, and now I'm reaching out to YOU to offer you the chance to take charge and learn how to get to the you we both know is still in there somewhere.

I want to change lives. I want to change your life.

What would life look like if that voice in your head reminding you of your failings in your head all day long was gone?

What would your life look like if you KNEW you were ok and loved and valued in spite of all the things you think you're "failing" at?

I want to help you get to that place!




Get back into focus


I Promise It's Really Not that Scary Out Here