What Does Transformation Actually LOOK Like??


What does transformation LOOK LIKE?

What do you think of when you hear the word transformation?

In all honesty, I resist the word a little bit because when I think of the word transformation, I initially think it means I’ve lost 100 pounds, I’ve mastered the art of keeping my house from looking like a war zone, I wake up at 5 am every day to practice the perfect morning routine, and  chaos is no longer a part of my life. I’m guessing when YOU hear the word transformation, your thoughts initially are much the same. We seem to have this assumption that we cannot be transformed unless it leads to perfection.

This couldn’t be more untrue.

How often have you gotten to the point where you feel like something needs to give and so you’ve started all-the-steps-to-transformation-all-at-the-same-time? And how has that worked out for you??

The reason it hasn’t worked out, is because true transformation is NOT synonymous with the pursuit of perfection.

Did you hear that? Let me repeat.


Repeat that shit to yourself until you’re blue in the face please and thank you.

What DOES transformation look like?

You know that feeling you get when you see your child sleeping or when your pet puts their paw on your leg while they sleep? Or when you see the most beautiful sunset that takes your breath away? That feeling where you’re cracked open in the very best way and you can’t help but feel SO incredibly in awe of the wonder before you??

Transformation is actively taking steps to adding MORE moments like those into your life.

It’s following your curiosity instead of telling yourself you can’t. It’s being curious about who you really are instead of being tied to who you think you should be. It’s being willing to accept what you’re fabulous at and being willing to look beyond the things you think you should be better at. It’s acknowledging what you hate and what you’re really not good at and choosing to have less of those things in your life. It’s choosing the moments in your life out of deep rooted love for yourself and those around you and it’s the absence of fear and anxiety over the what-if’s.

It’s saying no when you know you want or need to and saying YES when it means the most to you. It’s understanding what’s REALLY important to you and being WILLING to align your choices with those things.

It’s sitting with a deep understanding that who you are is not only more than enough, but it’s actually everything. It’s knowing that crap will always happen in life, but that those things don’t define you and don’t have to consume you. It’s knowing you have the power to make small changes that will have big effects. And it’s knowing that at the end of your time here on earth, you’ll feel like your life was RICH.

My dream is for YOU to have these things and I 100% believe it’s possible because I’ve been through it. 

And truthfully, I KEEP going through it because growth and expansion never end. My transformation has happened in stages and I expect it will continue happening that way and I LOVE it.

My transformation began with the willingness to jump out of my comfort zone and admit that everything wasn’t ok. It began with being really honest with people I trusted. It began with a desire to just feel better. 6 years ago I didn’t reach out with the expectation that I would feel the way I do today. I reached out because I felt a nudge saying something wasn’t right. And that led to conversations and connections and all kinds of things that have fulfilled me, challenged me, given me purpose, caused me to inquire within over and over and over again, and ultimately have CHANGED ME.

My life isn’t perfect. I don’t have a bikini bod. I don’t do all the things we’re “supposed to” do to be happy and successful as women today. I don’t have a perfect morning routine or a perfectly clean house or the perfect ANYTHING actually. I have flaws aplenty. But I have a love and appreciation for myself and for my life deeper than I ever actually even desired. Every day I feel purposeful and fulfilled, even when the dishes aren’t done and everyone eats cereal for supper. 

Your journey will look very different from mine. That’s the nature of humanity. But today, I encourage you to take notice of the awe-inducing soulful moments in your life and get curious about what else might make you feel that way. Or maybe it’s just to listen to that nudge you feel telling you it’s got to be better than how it is right now and take a teeny tiny action.

If you don’t know where to start, send me an email at contact@elsaborsa.com or a message on Facebook or Instagram and let me know where you feel stuck. Sometimes the first step isn’t what you think it is.

Sending you so much love,



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